04/7/17 8:16 pFOcMJsgFy: That's a knowing answer to a diuicfflt question04/7/17 8:16 PuCV7yQgrU: That's a smart way of lokonig at the world.04/7/17 8:13 KTA7ipPd: Tht'as going to make things a lot easier from here on out.04/7/17 8:09 hyV0Qu5dZ: At last, soemone who comes to the heart of it all04/7/17 7:59 krNhOX5hdLiD: That's really shdrew! Good to see the logic set out so well.04/7/17 7:59 ppkkfQ1su: The puarecshs I make are entirely based on these articles.